When someone adds an entry-level model to their cart or wish list, it can be a good idea to show the benefits of a similarly more expensive model. In this way you may be able to convince the customer to replace the entry-level model with a more expensive variant. Offer combo deals Combi dealWith a combi deal you make buying a set of products a lot more attractive. You can make multiple combi deals per product, offering 2, 3, 4 or more products for a reduced total price. Are you selling a new digital camera? Then a combi deal consisting of a digital camera, extra battery and handy stand is very interesting for some people.
They may not have had the immediate intention of buying an extra battery and handy stand, but this combination deal makes it a lot more attractive. Up-sells and cross-sells in the shopping cart In many cases, when someone visits the cart page, this is the last step before they place a final order. an up-sell the phone number list same or cross-sell for the last time. However, it is important that it is not considered disturbing. Therefore, make sure that the suggestions that are made match the products that they have already placed in the shopping cart.
An up-sell or cross-sell in the shopping cart can be supported by promotions such as free shipping or a free product from a certain amount. This stimulates the visitor all the more to add that relevant extra product to the shopping cart. For many webshops, Google Analytics is an indispensable tool to gain insight into website behavior. To easily gain this insight without having to sift through the various reports, it makes sense to create a dashboard. Here you can quickly and clearly see the status of your important KPIs and other insights. Because there are a lot of possibilities here, in this article you will find an example of how a dashboard for an e-commerce website could be built. For inspiration or just to set up directly for your website. General information First, a few general things about visitors.